Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nice post about "this" in JS

Best part of the post:

When working with this, remember the following rules:
  • It’s set based on how a function is called: new MyConstructor ormyObject.method() will refer to an instance, while this inside a function refers to the global context
  • Strict mode causes this to evaluate to undefined instead of the global context inside functions
  • this can be referenced by a variable, and self is the conventionally used name

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chrome Inline Installation Error - Verified Site

Google Chrome released their latest upgrade, Chrome 21, to users yesterday. This is a big change Chrome and Chrome Developers because starting from this version, Google Chrome will stop supported Hosted Chrome Applications. The solution for the problem is to use Inline Installation.

When try to upgrade my application to use Inline Installation, I encountered the following error message in Developer Console.

Installs can only be initiated by the Chrome Web Store item's verified site.

If you are seeing the same problem, check a few things. 

  1. Check whether your application is being verified in Chrome Webmaster Tool.
  2. If no, verify your site on Chrome Webmaster Tool. The process is easy and the instructions are easy to understand. 
  3. If yes, make sure the site that you also verified the non-SSL version of your site (http:// instead of https://) (I believe this is a Chrome Bug)
  4. After you verified the non-SSL version of your site, go to the Chrome Developer Dashboard and change the verified URL of your app to the non-SSL URL.
I learned this from this post here. Many thanks to Abraham Williams's answer.